Title: "Baffled by Victory: A Ukrainian Drone Operator's Confounded Response to Repelling Russian Attacks on Kursk Roads"
Russian infantry assault forces launched a series of attacks on the Ukrainian garrison in Kursk Oblast's Viktorovka village, utilizing eight BMD infantry fighting vehicles along familiar roads they've used since August for assaults on the Ukrainian-held salient. The anticipated outcome unfolded as expected, with Ukrainian forces, including the 22nd Mechanized Brigade and 17th Heavy Mechanized Brigade, wiping out four of the attacking BMDs from the Russian 234th Air Assault Regiment.
As per Kriegsforscher, a Ukrainian marine corps drone operator from Kriegsforscher's company, he was left perplexed by the continual attacks on the same locations. The failing strategy is similarly baffling for the Russian soldiers, who endure countless "suicide charges" across the drone-monitored no-man's land in Kursk. Russian commanders reap no benefit from these actions while losing heavily, remarks a Russian blogger skeptically.
The staggering Russian casualties in Kursk are closely connected to these repetitive assaults, as Russia nears its fourth year in the conflict. Consequently, Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin has repeatedly pushed back deadlines for fully recapturing Kursk. Despite missing previous deadlines, Saturday mirrored the typically brutal nature of combat along the Kursk frontline.
With attacks coming from 16 directions, the Ukrainian Center for Defense Strategies reported. Despite the sheer number of attacks, only one resulted in any meaningful gains for the Russians – around Viktorovka. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian 6th Ranger Regiment continues to control most of the village.
Fed up with the stagnant war effort, some Russian forces in Kursk have resorted to committing war crimes to cope with their frustrations and instill terror among the Ukrainian foe. Allegedly, marines from the Russian 155th Naval Infantry Brigade, one of two units that have been destroyed and reformed several times throughout the conflict, decapitated four Ukrainian prisoners and displayed their heads as gruesome trophies.
In the past, such atrocities have failed to deter the Ukrainians, as it often inspires resilience among their ranks. After the 155th Naval Infantry Brigade brutally executed nine Ukrainian prisoners in October, Ukrainian forces retaliated with devastating raids against the Russian brigade, with zero mercy given to their captives.
The Russian forces, despite being stationed in Kursk Oblast's Kursk, continue to launch attacks on Ukrainian positions, as seen in Viktorovka village. This strategy, despite its failures and heavy casualties, seems to be influenced by Russian units like the 234th Air Assault Regiment, who have attempted similar assaults since August.